Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sokanu an aid to find your new career

The other day I was surfing the internet and ran across "Sokanu," a website that matches a person, via a simple test, with their perfect career. Intrigued, I took the test.

It was simple and short which is always appreciated and at the end I was given interesting career choices. My first career match, at 100 percent compatibility, was a singer. I used to sing in my high school choir and had even graced audiences with solos and I admit that once or twice I entertained the idea of becoming a professional singer, but faced with reality, that job was not for me.

My second career choice, at 99.8 percent, was a musician.

The third was a woodworker at 99.6 percent, and the forth a farmer at 99.2 percent. I had other intriguing options as well, stock clerk, air crew officer, and last but not least, and the option that entertained me the most was circus performer. Given that information I asked my family to forgive me because I had found my true calling, I was going to join the circus.

Did Sokanu help me find a career? The answer is no because I took the test just for fun. It would be helpful however for people who are just starting out in the job market or looking for a career change. Sokanu is the website to visit. It not only matches you with compatible career choices, it gives you guidance on how to achieve your goal through practical advice and tools.

Sokanu was founded in November 2012, and claims to be, "the most modern career test created, it is not the old fashioned bubble sheet you had to fill out in high school." Sokanu uses "Choice Architecture" which according to Wikipedia is "a term that is used to describe the different way in which choices can be presented to consumers, and the impact of that presentation on consumer decision making."

How does it work? "When you answer a question on Sokanu, they calculate how you answer and how it relates to one of the 186 traits they measure."

Is there a cost? "The Sokanu core career test is free but offers a premium tier of $60.00 for lifetime access."

If you are ready to discover your career options, or to find out if you are capable of become a circus performer too,